A brief description of the great work you do, what you have done in the past, how everyone is welcome to join, no experience necessary etc.
This month we're doing a planting on the slope just north of the boat ramp turning circle. Bass Coast Shire Council have prepared the ground by removing the weeds and we're planting this area out with indigenous plant species.
More...Birdlife Australia gained a federal government grant to help control spurge at various points on Bass Coast, but particularly between Harmers Haven and Inverloch which also includes the areas that CPRRA had removed spurge. They were fortunate in getting a Parks Vic approval just before their programme for August and September this year. The purpose of this grant was to provide better habitat particularly for hooded plovers who rely on spinifex grass beach habitat to survive. In this they have also had support from the South Gippsland Conservation Society, Bass Coast Shire, Landcare and the Cape Paterson residents.
More...This month we're revisiting the Cassia Street reserve to clear paths and remove woody weeds that have sprung up in the past year. BBQ lunch will be provided at the Wonthaggi Life Saving Club BBQ shelter.
More...For this working bee we are planting out in the area where we've recently removed boneseed and other woody weeds. Bass Coast Shire Council has provided 80 trees and shrubs to plant and have undertaken for contractors to remove the remaining infestation. We invite all volunteers for a BBQ lunch at 12pm at the Wonthaggi Life Saving Club shelter.
More...This month we've decided to continue our boneseed and pittosporum eradication efforts in the costal reserve west of the Cape Paterson Surf Life Club. We've made great inroads into this infestation and keeping on top of regrowth.
More...This month we'll be continuing our removal of boneseed from the council managed coastal reserve, west and north of the the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club. We hope to do a planting in this area in the coming months.
More...Clean Up Australia Day - Spreading out through Cape Paterson township, beaches and coastal reserve to remove any rubbish that doesn't belong there.
More...For the first working bee of the year, we'll be carrying out a weed removal / survey of the Parks Vic Conservation Reserve at the corner of Seaward Drive and the Cape Paterson-Wonthaggi Road. We'll mostly be pulling invasive weeds (eg bluebell creeper shown) and surveying the heathland plants which are slowly growing back in the reserve. We may also do some weed removal in the road reserve opposite the conservation reserve on Seaward Drive.
More...For our final official working bee for this year we'll continue our boneseed control programme in the coastal reserve west of the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club. The boneseed will have gone to seed so the intention is to stack the pulled and cut weeds so that any residual seed load stays localised.
More...This month we'll continue the boneseed control program in the coastal reserve west of the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club.
More...This working bee we'll continue our boneseed eradication programme on the Bass Coast Administered Shire Council land west of the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club. Boneseed is an invasive weed species that smothers indigenous habitat making it harder for our indigenous flora and fauna to survive. We do this work with the full cooperation of Bass Coast Shire Council.
More...This month our working bee will in the coastal reserve just west of the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club boat ramp. The aim is to tackle any coastal weeds we see (dolychos pea, pittosporum and shiny leaf), and anything that's too big we will take note of it's location for Bass Coast Shire Council's contractors to deal with. This will be as much a survey as a working bee.
More...This month we're removing sea spurge through the dunes east of the Wilson's Road access path on Second Surf Beach. This is an ongoing project that CPRRA have been involved with over many years. The regeneration of spinifex in the coastal dunes is testament to our success - let's keep it that way.
More...This month we're finally doing another planting working bee at the Allan Birt Reserve and moving on to the reserve next to the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club, where woody weeds have recently been removed. Plants are courtesy of Bass Coast Shire Council.
More...This month we're concentrating on the coastal reserve opposite The Channel Store. It's on the other side of the path from the heathland that we've been successful in restoring after the 2003(?) fire. We'll mostly be pulling / cutting / lopping coastal tea tree and coastal wattle. We'd made a start on this some years ago and it's work that should continue.
More...Note this month the working bee is postponed for on week due to the Easter holiday occurring on the second Saturday in April - not the 8th but the 15th! This month we'll revisit a site we've worked on regularly to keep weeds down around our indigenous plantings, namely the Cassia St reserve to the north of the start of Surf Beach Road. As always a morning tea and BBQ lunch will be provided. Some tools will be available for use courtesy of CPRRA and Bass Coast Shire Council environment department.
More...Dead Head those Agapanthus! This month we'll be focussing on cutting the flower heads of agapanthus around the town. Agapanthus are a highly invasive weed spread by wind and birds. The intention is to get to the flower / seed heads before the seeds become viable. Where possible, we'll also encourage residents to reduce / remove agapanthus and encourage native wildlife friendly plants instead. Volunteers will be provided with a BBQ lunch at the Wonthaggi Life Saving Club at 12:30pm.
More...Maintenance Weed Removal, Cape Paterson Nature Conservation Reserve
More...For the October working bee we will be tending the Cassia Street Reserve, removing weed regrowth and reinstating some of the bush tracks.
More...Mop up of Sea Spurge between F Break and Wilsons Road, and possibly beyond depending on numbers. It should be noted here that this coastal reserve is administered and controlled by Parks Vic as park of the Yallock Bulluk Coastal Park.
More...For our first working bee of the year, we're joining with the Harmers Haven Residents and Ratepayers Association to continue our Sea Spurge control west of Coal Point
More...CPRRA in cooperation with the caravan park managers are adding new indigenous plants to extensively mulched areas
More...Removing an infestation of sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias) located in the sand dunes half way between Cape Paterson and Harmers Haven.